Friday, 2 July 2021

Buddy class - Manu Tukutuku (Kites)

 30th June Wednesday Buddy class

I had buddy class with room 20 What we did is make Kites witch in Maori is Manu Tukutuku  

 1. Get three sticks that are the same size and get three pieces of sting 

2 . Get the sticks and put them together and make a triangle shape use the sting and tie it together to get doesn't break

3. get paper that will fit on the sticks the colour can be any colour fond the to top coners to the middle so it looks like a triangle and then draw what you want to draw on your Manu Tukutuku 

4. Then get the to corners and glue the bended bit and stick it to the sticks and then get a long pice of sting and stick it to the bottom of the stick and now you have a Manu Tukutuku


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